Products and Services
Attacks, rampages, pileups, train accidents: Major emergencies are tough and challenging situations – for emergency managers and leaders as well as for victims and their families. RescueWave provides support right from the start. The digital system solution is designed to serve as a central tool for the first responders as well as for the command and control centers, from triage in the chaos phase to patient care and transport organization.
System components

Mobile Application
The application allows efficient management of complex situations. It provides everyone in charge with important statistics, as well as information about the location, number and status of the injured. The collection of patient information, as well as the organization of transports can be handled quickly and easily.
Electronic triage card
The automated, digital triage card enables efficient and smooth forwarding of information about the patient (sighting category, transport advice, location using GPS) to the incident command, executives as well as all other emergency services.

The server is the basic unit of any RescueWave system. It connects all components of the system and performs data synchronization in the background. Available as vehicle mount or special case.
How it works
On-Scene Arrival
The RescueWave network Rescue.RAN sets up automatically, independent of mobile radio or BOS networks.

The injured are each assigned a triage device (Rescue.Node). Injured persons can be sighted and resighted within seconds using the rotary switch on the Rescue.Node. The device automatically register the number, triage category and positions of the injured and continuously report their status to the RescueWave network.

First on-Scene Information
Executives use the Rescue.App to get an initial situational overview of the number and positions of the injured.

Record patient information
During the examination, the information of the injured person is recorded on the app. Information such as suspected diagnosis, type of transport, search service information, photos and other details about the person are being recorded.
Organize transport
With just three clicks, the patient is assigned a mode of transport and a suitable hospital. Real-time scheduling drastically reduces radio effort. Transport orders can be printed directly.

Immediate information upon arrival ‒ in real time
Reliable situation information right from the start of the response: the innovative triage device Rescue.Node automatically registers and marks the location of the injured. Paperbased lists become superfluous.

Targeted support during incident mangagement
Because priority scores are automatically uploaded from the Rescue.Nodes onto Rescue.Board, the field-tested management tool, all the information is in one place where it is needed. Incident commanders and section commanders can all have access to live data, via mobile devices and tablets. Decisions can be made earlier and based on reliable information.

Triage by the turn of a hand
With RescueWave paper triage cards are a thing of the past. With just a turn of the hand, the priority score is safely and securely applied to the patient by responders; the coloured electronic tag clearly visible at a distance.

Confidence in incident briefings
Rescue.Board provides a solid foundation for collaboration and decision making, with clear statistics based on real-time data. Avoid misunderstandings and reduce the need for additional clarification by radio. The system provides continuous support for all phases of casualty management in multi-casualty incidents.

Patient care and data capture
RescueWave records all relevant patient data needed in the immediate response. Triage, transport and initial medical treatment information is captured and visible for incident commanders to access via our userfriendly Rescue.Board management tool. Search and rescue information and other personal data can also be added.

Transport management – fast and intuitive
The software has been specifically to use at the scene, it allows you to allocate individual casualties to specific hospitals depending on their need. This will revolutionise multi-casualty incident management in terms of speed and triage scoring, so that the most injured can be identified and cared for first. With RescueWave a patient will spend less time at the scene and transport resources can be used more efficiently.